
Showing posts from February, 2024


Folk song KNOW MORE HELLO, My name is Aditya, I am curentlly pursuing from Galgotias Universty. Folk songs in India are getting lost nowadays. This is because more people are living in cities instead of villages. Also, modern music like Bollywood songs and Western music are becoming more popular. This means fewer people are interested in listening to traditional folk songs. It's important to do something to save these songs before they disappear completely. So I tried a small initative to show you the real culture of india through Folk song of different states. FOLK SONGS OF INDIA Folk songs in India are a vibrant tapestry woven from the diverse cultural threads of its regions and communities. These songs are deeply rooted in tradition, reflecting the joys, sorrows, and everyday experiences of the people. Whether it's the soulful melodies of

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ADI WEBSITE Books to read There are many books to read There is link of website which will recommended some books Some of my favourite books -Rich dad poor dad -Three men in a boat -The night country This article is written by Aditya Student of GALGOTIAS UNIVERSITY Delhi